EYES ON TRACK ™ offers hope to students of
ALL AGES who struggle with reading.

—Millions of students, many of those with 20/20 eyesight, have unidentified EYE TRACKING and VISION PROCESSING problems that interfere with their success in school.

—Did you know being left-eye dominant (LED) can contribute to reading difficulty?

—Parents, educators, and home school teachers value EYES ON TRACK ™ as a tool to identify learning problems in the classroom.

—This breakthrough book includes valuable information for left-eye dominant (LED) students, observation symptom checklists, a new "easy to learn" Detection Screening, and 2 chapters of fun VISION PRACTICES to improve students’ EYE TRACKING and VISION PROCESSING skills.

EOT Front Cover

Preparing Students for a Lifetime of Learning™


Why do so many students seemingly fail to achieve their full potential?

There’s a reason so many parents and teachers get frustrated with their students’ difficulties.

  • Eyes are the windows to the brain. VISION is how a student learns
  • Millions of students OF ALL AGES, even those with 20/20 eyesight, have EYE TRACKING and VISION PROCESSING problems that interfere with their success
  • Eyes on Track ™, OFFERS SOLUTIONS to parents and teachers
  • Featured are easy-to- learn VISION activities to increase development of vision skills that create a FOUNDATION FOR SUCCESSFUL LEARNING
  • Left Eye Dominant students (LEDs) often struggle to read

Snellen Eye Chart

Invented in 1862, the Snellen eye chart is still in use today to test eyesight at a distance of 20 feet. This chart fails to test “EYE TRACKING and VISION PROCESSING” skills that are essential for reading.

  • Left Eye Dominant students (LEDs) often to struggle to read
  • LED students need to be identified in Kindergarten and given VISION PRACTICES to develop VISION PROCESSING
  • One in four students has an unidentified NEAR VISION problem that can be interfering with reading
  • Millions of students of ALL AGES have unidentified VISION PROCESSING problems that contribute to reading difficulty
  • EYES ON TRACK TM offers educational solutions to parents and teachers
  • Featured is a newly developed DETECTION SCREENING and easy-to-learn VISION PRACTICES for classroom or home use
  • EYES ON TRACK TM is needed now, more than ever, due to increased vision demands in the classroom caused by computers, tablets, and online testing

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Kristy Remick, OD, FCOVD, FAAO, is a Developmental Optometrist that wants to share her experience of over 30 years helping students overcome EYE TRACKING and VISION PROCESSING problems. Dr. Remick is currently a full-time Associate Professor at Western University of Health Sciences College of Optometry in Pomona, CA where she has developed and supervised vision screening of over 21,000 children in the school district vision program. Dr. Remick is actively involved in scientific research studying visual deficits and effective treatments. Dr. Remick’s career goal is to make a positive impact on education by “shedding the light” on the TRUE meaning and purpose of VISION in the learning process.

Eye tracking and vision processing skills, provide a foundation for learning. If undetected, students struggle and assume they’re ‘not smart’. This leads to frustration, behavior problems and academic failure.


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